Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Protien Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Protien - Essay Example Due to presence of a high degree of palindromic sequences changes were made in the 3rd codons for R and A, and the 1st codon for L based on the second priority codon preference. The changes reduced the chances of self-annealing and formation of secondary structures. The new gene sequence was thus: The next step was to choose the restriction enzymes for cutting out the complete gene after it has been cloned to the TOPO vector. NdeI, which cleaves the sequence CA/TATG was chosen for the 5’ end while BPu1102 which cuts GC/TGAGC was selected for the 3’ end. Both restriction enzymes do not have restriction sites in the chosen vector (but are present in the expression vector which will be used for protein expression later). GCGC nucleotides are added before and after the NdeI and BPu1102 sites respectively to act as primer initiation sites for PCR of the final gene sequence which is the following: 2. The PCR-based methods for gene synthesis normally require a DNA template, which is not available for designed peptides, for error-free amplification. To reduce error, nucleotide stretches of the optimized gene sequences are synthesized and ligated to complementary sequences followed by PCR amplification (Tsuchiya, Morioka, Shirai, Yoshida, & Inumaru, 2006) (Young & Dong, 2004). These procedures result in different gene fragments that have errors in the sequences. Further cloning, purification and sequencing for the desired gene sequence is expensive and time-consuming. In this study, the gene will be synthesized using circular assembly amplification, a new technique in gene synthesis that removes error sequences and increases the probability of getting accurate sequences (Bang & Church, 2008). Here, a mixture of short complementary oligonucleotides (~ 50bp), that are designed with overlaps to allow complementary coupling or annealing, generates circular DNA. This is followed by exonuclease treatment to remove

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Bribery In International Marketing Marketing Essay

Bribery In International Marketing Marketing Essay Bribery and corruption is a way of life in many countries and these practices affect the way international business is regularly conducted. However, in most of these countries, it is illegal to offer or receive bribes or engage in corrupt practices. Yet these corrupt practices are a part of the culture or normal way of doing businesses. Unless companies conform to such practices, in many cases, international business cannot be transacted. This essay will try to provide discussion about bribery and corruption in international trade, with examples from very different point of view in according to the principal ethical system, despite whatever religious, realistic and nature. Analyses of the case of Siemens bribery scandal related to ethical issues will be investigated. Bribery is an important issue of concern for many companies. Confrontation of bribery vary across many countries, but everyone has a different concept about it, such as in Hong Kong and Greece, here, managers are less critical of bribery in certain situations than that of the Americas. Paying bribery carries with it a great risk to damaging the companys standing with the country which the briberies are paid, and at home too. Moreover, there is also the risk that the commercial culture of the company will become more open-minded of several of other practices at the legal issues. There is also evidence to suggest that those countries with the reputation for bribery and corruption damage themselves, as it reflects in their economic growth, has a low rates for high level of corruption, like that of Nigeria. It is true to say that bribery in international markets can lead to astonishment, bewilderment and misunderstanding for expatriates, at both organisational and personal levels. This essay examines bribery from two viewpoints and tries to develop procedures to bridge them. The first viewpoint is relativist, accepting that different cultures have different ethical values and not imposing an expatriates values onto another culture. The second viewpoint is universalist, averring that ethics apply anywhere in the world, and is based on psychological and economic grounds. To resolve these two approaches, it is suggested that trying to understand the cultural forces that determine home and overseas attitudes to the many forms of bribery, this is a first step to adjustment. The next step is the development of a global or regional code of conduct that allows flexibility within a gray zone. The result could be an evolving code that adapts to the many dimensions of bribery for each countrys situation, in a manner that is a negotiation between the cultural, psychological and economic values of an expatriates organisation and of local officials. Introduction International marketing is complex as foreign environments are different from home environments, as they differ on physical, cultural, legalpolitical, economic, competitive and distributive dimensions (Ball and McCulloch 1996). Due to these environments, marketers can adapt parts of the marketing mix for each overseas country or region (Hoang 1997), for example, a company might alter its packaging, distribution channels and advertisements in each of its international markets. These marketing mix issues are not the only ones facing international marketers. Cultural management issues are important too, and bribery is the most important of these, at least for Australian and US marketing managers (Armstrong et al. 1990). For example, should a firm pay a customs official to process a shipment through normal channels? Should a firm pay education expenses in its home country for the child of a prince in an overseas country that the firm wants to enter? Should payments to distributors be paid into two separate accounts when one is apparently illegal? Should funds in the public relations budget be paid to someone who appears to do nothing for public relations other than being related to someone in power? Issues like these are important to someone from a culture where these activities are unusual. 1937 Nevertheless, little research has been done on the ethics of international marketing (Armstrong and Sweeney 1994), and interest in ethical issues in general has been mainly empirical (Donaldson 1989). Moreover, levels of corruption vary widely around the world, as seen in a survey of 52 countries by Transparency International (1997). Furthermore, the issue of bribery in particular is often considered within only one of the six different environments above, and bribery is sometimes discussed in the legal environment chapter of a textbook for example, Keegan and Green 1997), where the effect of the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) on that countrys ability to compete with Europe in international markets is covered (Graham 1984). Alternatively, bribery is sometimes in the public relations part of a textbook (Phillips Doole and Lowe 1994), where it is discussed along with concern about corporate citizenship and employee safety. In addition to this, bribery can be treated as a separate, ethical issue, usually based on cultural issues (Donaldson 1996). However, the aim of this essay is to consider bribery from across several environments such as legal, cultural, economic and competitive, in order to develop a managerial approach to the issue. Contribution is an integrated and up-to-date review of these several viewpoints in a form that international marketing managers might find useful. As well as, the review is from a non-US view, while several other papers have a US view that is different from other developed countries (Donaldson 1996; Mayo 1992; Across the Board 1993). It is concluded that managers can develop a code of conduct for the several dimensions of bribery that bridges the relativist and universalist views. This essay has four main sections. Firstly, bribery in developing countries is looked at from a Western view point that aims toshow the roots of bribery may be common to both. This leads into a cultural, relativist view of bribery, which suggests that bribery is appropriate if it is normal in the culture of an overseas country. However, counter arguments to this relativist view are then presented, including psychological and economic arguments. Finally, facing these two contrasting positions, the essay considers how management could handle bribery. In this essay, bribery is defined broadly: bribery is offering, or promising to pay, anything of value to influence an act or decision by officials in a foreign government, including politicians, a political party or a bureaucrat to assist in obtaining, retaining, or directing business to any person (based on the FCPAs definition). This definition does not cover issues such as human rights or child labor use, sexual harassment or industrial espionage. Our definition of dealing with officials about business matters is the one of major concern to marketing managers in particular. 1938 Four Roots of Bribery From a Western point of view, bribery sometimes appears to be caused merely by the greed of locals, especially poor locals. however bribery has four, more complex roots which appear to exist in both Western and developing countries. Firstly, a bribe can be simply linked to a tip to insure promptness at a restaurant, just as a restaurant kitchen can sometimes have inefficient processes that require human involvement to overcome, so can the bureaucracy of a developing country. Bribes may be seen to be a way of purchasing government services when a government cannot afford to provide salaries that are adequate for the service to be provided free to every person (Tullock 1996). Thus, bribery may be a form of privatisation that makes the wealthy who can afford it, pay for a service. Indeed, the relatively high-principled FCPA that tries to limit the involvement of US firms in bribery, actually permits payments to officials to do their normal duties while disallowing payments to high-level officials for special favors. A prime example is a US business person can bribe a customs officer to expedite an inspection but not to skip it altogether. However, the next three roots of bribery may not be allowed by the FCPA. Secondly, a bribe can be considered to be a normal promotion activity. Such as that of BMW cars are provided free to family members of politicians in Western countries for the spillover effect on the prestige of the car. If the wife of the Premier of Victoria, Australia has free use of a BMW, why cannot officials in overseas countries who are close to real power also be given gifts to help promotion. Similarly, many Western companies provide corporate hospitality at sporting venues such as at the Ascot, Henley and Wimbledon in the name of promotion (Ramsay 1990). Therefore, how is this kind of promotion different from some bribery in developing countries? This leads to the third root of bribery, which is related to the general idea of gifts to show respect and gratitude to a person in a relationship, at certain times. Gift giving is common at Christmas time in Western countries, and gift giving at birthday and holidays may serve the same purpose in overseas countries (Onkvist and Shaw 1997). As interactions between buyers and sellers proceed, a social relationship is developed that can be enriched by gift giving. Social relationships are often characterised by the exchange of gifts and hospitality as trust develops between the parties. In seeking to build relationships of trust, the exchange of gifts may be seen as an entirely appropriate act of social bonding. (Wood 1995, p. 11). This reciprocal gift and favor giving is more important in some Asian countries than in the West, simply because of their cultural values (Hofstede 1991, p. 169). Finally, in food and other markets in developing markets, the occasional expatriate customers are usually asked to pay more than locals because the stallholder knows that his or her usual price is usually a far smaller proportion of the discretionary spending of an expatriate than that of a local. A dual price system 1939 reflects the dual economies that exist in many developing countries and do not exist to the same extent in western countries. That is, a poorly paid overseas official with an extended family living in his small house may consider it reasonable to ask a wealthy foreign business person staying at a five star hotel to pay more than the usual low prices for labor and other services in his or her country. Thus a bribe may be seen to improve equity just as a progressive taxation system aims to do in developed countries. The inequity without bribes in a developing country may be even greater than in a market or a taxation system of a developed country, because the official will have high local power from their immediate and extended family, friends and political party despite having low monetary wealth. In contrast to this , the foreign business person has lower power despite having higher monetary wealth. That is, bribery may not violate the Christian but sometimes be considered to be a universal doctrine of love you neighbor like yourself, but actually affirm it (contra Coady in Way 1996, p. 19). Overall in brief then, bribery is seen to exist and has roots that exist in both a Western and an overseas countries. Cultural View of Bribery Implicit in the discussion above is a relativist, cultural understanding of bribery that what is right or wrong, good or bad, depends on ones culture. However, this argument implies that there are no golden rules underlying most human behavior (Way 1996, p. 19), that is, ones own culture is the major influence on views about bribery. This concept of culture therefore deserves to be explored further. Culture has five dimensions: the relationship between the individual and the collective group, power differentials within society, masculinity and femininity, dealing with uncertainty and Confucian dynamism (Hofstede 1991). Several of these dimensions strongly influence views about bribery. The first dimension of individualism/collectivism would appear to be the most related to bribery (Tanzi 1995; in Onkvist and Shaw 1997, p. 175). Developing countries are more collective than developed countries, that is, officials place greater emphasis on their responsibilities to their own extended families and friends, than do Western business people. However individualism/collectivism is not the only cultural dimension affecting bribery. Developing countries are often high on the second culture dimension of power distance, that is, individual officials with which marketing managers deal have major obligations to their supervisors. Thus, the officials will support a bribery culture if it is related to power as some of the four roots of culture above were shown to be, and especially so if their own superiors accept and foster bribery. In addition to this, some Asian countries are more concerned with 1940 virtuous behavior than the abstract truth (which is related to the dimension of Confucian dynamism). An officials actual behavior toward his or her immediate and extended family, and toward friends and superiors is more important than abstract universal values applying to all humans, to which some Westerners cling (Hofstede 1991). Onkvist and Shaw (1997, p. 175) appropriately sum up this relativist, cultural view of bribery: the concept of arms-length relationships would seem strange and alien. It would even seem immoral. The idea that, economically speaking, one should treat relatives and friends in the same way as strangers would appear bizarre. In brief, a cultural view of bribery initially suggests that expatriate marketing managers should simply fit in with local bribery practices wherever he or she goes. However, the cultural relativism approach to bribery developed above cannot be the basis for a marketing managers approach to bribery, because awareness of cultural differences is only the starting point for international cooperation. That is, a marketing manager cannot completely adapt to a different culture and deal in bribes with no regard for his or her own cultural values, for an appreciation of anothers culture does not mean forgoing ones own culture. Successful intercultural encounters presuppose that the partners believe in their own values. If not, they have become alienated persons, lacking a sense of identity (Hofstede 1991, p. 237). To handle the issue of bribery comprehensively for a real world individuals involved in business, managers need to consider issues other than cultural differences per se, and we turn to these relatively universalist issues next. Economic and Managerial Issues of Bribery Economic advantages of bribery for the receiving official and for the company that receives preferential treatment ahead of its competitors, are obvious. However, there are economic disadvantages for both the taking and the giving country. First, bribery can send incorrect signals about demand price and supply cost in a market economy. More directly, bribery adds to the cost of contracts and goods roughly by five percent in Asia (Kraar 1995), this could perhaps be even more in some instances. Secondly, it distorts the decision-making processes too. When contractors are selected on the basis of what the decision-maker will receive personally rather than the contractors ability to do the best, lowest cost job, then the whole economy suffers misallocation of resources. This form of bribery was perhaps a major influence in the recent meltdown of some Asian currencies. Thirdly, bribery can lead to industrial standards being dropped with social and economic repercussions upon the firm. For example, workers may work in substandard conditions that may impair productivity, people may die in buildings that collapse due to building standards inappropriate, and the environment and firms future may be hurt by over-zealous timber-felling. 1941 Moreover, there are other disadvantages of bribery that are particularly important for the giving country. Firstly, home and foreign customers help pay for uneconomic spending in bribes, often for the enrichment of a few overseas individuals who become more wealthy than ordinary citizens of the giving country. In 1995, bribery cost businesses almost $45 billion worldwide (Kaltnhauser 1996). Secondly, bribery could be used against the giving organisation, in the case of managers returning to the home country and rejoining the salesforce at home could accept bribes for practices that the giving organisation does not want done at home. That is, a relativist position that allows a match between expatriate individuals and the corrupt organisations overseas, may also foster at home the separation of personal and organisational moral standards, with consequences at home that the organisation does not want. In brief then, bribery has economic and social disadvantages that a purely cultural understanding leading to a relativist attitude to it, may hide. How Can Managers Handle Bribery in a Competitive Market? Given the two contrasting views about bribery above, what can managers in a non-US company do to bridge the gap between a relativist and a universalist approach to ethics. The practices and what managers in a US firm do is clear, they obey the FCPA or get around it by channeling funds through an agent who then handles the bribery behind a screen. Some managers might try to offset a competitors bribe with a better, total product You might offer a lower price, a better product, better distribution or better advertising to offset the benefit of the bribe to the decision influencer (Keegan 1989, p. 201). This US position is an idealist position that many non-US managers may not adopt, for it assumes that the better, total product will win the contract, when in fact, bribery occurs to oftentimes successfully ensure that it does not. Moreover, competing firms from European countries and Australia are allowed to treat bribes as a tax-deductible business expense, reducing the after-tax effect of the bribe. In April 1996, the OECD passed a resolution saying bribes should not be taxdeductible and in 1993, Transparency International, a not-for-profit organisation with chapters in 40 countries, tried to increase awareness of briberys existence, but anti-foreign bribery legislation outside the United States does not yet exist. Moreover, one is never sure of the level of bribes that competitors are offering for a project, and so deciding on how much to improve the total product to fight bribery is difficult. In addition, bribery is sometimes paid for day-to-day operations as well as a project, and so discussion of a better, total product may be of limited usefulness. For instance, if bribes are not paid by an individual firm, it may experience bureaucratic delays on wharves and in warehouses and its goods may 1942 be stolen, while its bribe-paying competitors do not experience these costly problems. In brief, curbing bribery from an idealistic position may be quixotic until the United Nations or a similar organisation arranges for a multinational, legal approach to it. Given the present, imperfect world within which companies operate, some more options to handle bribery are available. One option is to choose to internationalise into the less-corrupt countries. Clear examples of corrupt countries are China, Indonesia and India, which are rated among the most corrupt countries to do business in the world after Russia; indeed, corruption in Indonesiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦is almost a way of life. Only Singapore is more squeaky-clean than most Western countries (Hard graft in Asia 1995, p. 61). Organisation code of ethics. There is another option to approaching the ethical gaps in international marketing. Firstly, within the home firm, managers could develop an organisation code of ethics for any non-home country within which it operates, or maybe for a particular region of many countries. For all these countries, this code would outline the degree of standardisation and adaptation in each of eight or so dimensions of bribery, such as expediting bureaucratic processes, promotion, corporate hospitality, gifts, dual prices, wage rates, occupational health and safety standards, and lobbying to influence government policies. The code would take into consideration the cultural, legal-political, economic, competitive and distributive environments of each foreign market and the home organisation. For instance, it might specify when bribes appear on an invoice and when they may not (adapted Cadbury 1987). Moreover, acknowledging the greatest differences between an expatriates and his or her home organizations ethical systems, and the local environments ethical standards, this code might specify when some purchases or tenders are outsourced away from the organisation to a local agent. familiarisation tour of the home organisation would help home country managers appreciate overseas operations, and helping with scholarships to home country universities would foster long-term links when the students return. Of course, managers need to know relevant national and international laws or hire reputable lawyers who know local laws and customs. Although local legal and judicial systems can be underdeveloped, flawed and flouted (for example, with bribes), a firm may have in its global code that local laws will always be observed, even if the risks involved in flouting them, even though competitors may be prepared to take the risks. Finally, to help implementation of the code, the organisation could institute and code of ethics sensitisation training before managers enter an overseas country and when they return, based on cross-cultural sensitisation sessions like those discussed in Hofstede (1991, p. 232). Ethics audits could also be carried out, emphasising improvement and learning about the processes used, such as TQM continual improvement programs do. Furthermore, these audits would foster an evolving awareness of ethical considerations for each of the eight dimensions in a particular organisation, and in a particular country. Conclusion Evidence suggests that bribery is a fact of life in international marketing that can lead to astonishment, bewilderment and misunderstanding for expatriates at both organisational and personal levels. Two viewpoints about bribery were examined. The first viewpoint was relativist, accepting that bribery has the same roots in Western and other countries and so different ethical systems may be simply the result of different cultural values. In contrast, the second, universalist viewpoint is that a set of ethical values applies anywhere in the world, based on psychological and economic grounds. To bridge these two views, it is strongly suggested to try to understand the cultural forces that determine home and overseas attitudes to the many forms of bribery, which will indeed be a first step to adjustment. The next step is to develop a global or regional code of conduct that allows flexibility within a gray zone for some situations in particular countries, based on win-win adjustments. The result could be an evolving code of conduct that adapts to the many dimensions of bribery for each countrys situation, in a manner that is a negotiation between the cultural, psychological and economic values of an expatriates organisation and of local officials. 1945

Friday, October 25, 2019

Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Use Only Essay example -- pro me

The history of U.S. policy toward mind-altering substances has followed cycles of tolerance and intolerance ever since the mid-19th century. The medical use of the cannabis plant goes back at least 5,000 years to ancient China. It has been used by most of the world’s cultures for its healing properties (Medical Marijuana Cases 1). Today such conditions as Migraine headaches, Glaucoma, Cancer, Epilepsy, Asthma AIDS/HIV, Spinal injury, Muscle spasms, Insomnia etc., could be treated for symptomatic relief with cannabis or cannabis extract. However, marijuana is still considered an illegal drug in most states in the United States. Marijuana usage may have been common 20-30 years ago, but it really isn’t any longer. Judy Foreman states that a hardy band of activists seeking legislative approval of perennial bill that would bring Massachusetts in line with 34 other states in letting patients with certain conditions smoke marijuana (1). 2 What was known, as the â€Å"wicked weed† of the sixties can be good medicine . Marijuana certainly seems safer than may other drugs, even aspirin that causes gastrointestinal bleeding, killing hundreds of people every year (Grinspoon/Bakalar 4).3 There are lots of drugs American society does not let people use except under doctor’s care, for instance, cocaine, Demerol, est. No one thinks we have legalized cocaine because we let surgeon or anesthesiologists use it. Therefore, the notion that there is a link between medical use and whether people should to be able to legally get stoned is nonsense. One situation does not necessarily include the other. Nevertheless, there has not been a single death by overdose (Foreman 4).2 As an enlightened society, we must reconsider the legalization of marijuana for medical use only as it eases pain and suffering of many illnesses.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To effect changing the attitudes within our society about marijuana, one must be realistic about the legislation of our own bodies. Right now cocaine and morphine are prescribed legally as medicines, and those legal uses are not adding in any significant way to the country drug problem. While experts debate the medical use of marijuana, patients in Santa Cruz, San Francisco and Alameda County are lining up at Cannabis Buyers’ Club to receive the drug. Despite the coffee house atmosphere at the Cannabis Buyers’ Club marijuana remains illegal. Although some ch... ...ting a combined total of almost 10,000 physicians statewide endorse the proposition (Don’t Jail Med 5).9 What can we do to help? We must stop building prisons instead we must rebuild our lives. Works Cited 1. Mikki, Norris, and Chris Conrad. Medical Marijuana Cases. N.p.: Inernet mario lap, 1996. 2. Foreman, Judy. â€Å"Medical Marijuana (Acure or Curse).† Boston Globe [Boston, Mass.] 7 Oct. 1991: 25-26 3. Grinspoon, Lester, and James B. Bakalar. â€Å"Marihuana as Medicine A Plea for Reconsideration.† American Medical Association.† 273 (June 1995): 1875-1876. 4. Donnelly, Kathleen. â€Å"The Cannabis Prescription.† San Joes Mercury News, 6 Feb   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   5. Schlosser, Eric. â€Å"More Reefer Madness.† Atlantic Apr. 1997: 90-102 6. â€Å"Deglamorising Cannabis.† Editorial Lancet 11 Nov. 1995: 1241. 7. â€Å"Marijuana as Medicine.† Editorial San Francisco Chronicle 31 Jan. 1997: A24. 8. Morganthau, Tom. â€Å"The War Over Weed.† Newsweek 3 Feb. 1997: 20+. 9. â€Å"Don’t Jail Medicinal Marijuana Patients†. Online NORML Internet. 21 Nov. 1996. 10. Mikuriya, Tod. Marijuana Medical Handbook. N.p.: Internet. 11. Postrel, Virginia I. â€Å"Reefer Madness.† Washington Post 3 Mar. 1997: 4.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Is Scott Electronics plcs current human resources strategy effective Essay

To what extent do you think that Scott Electronics plc’s current human resources strategy is effective? (18) Human resource strategy is how a business sees its employees from different business point of view and they are seen as resources to complete the business objectives. Firstly the human resource strategy for Scott electronics is very effective because the firm’s labour productivity is very high with 105 compared to the industry average which is 100. This is very effective as it shows the level of recruitment and the staff the business is recruiting is doing very well which has a positive effect in the recruitment section therefore this will make the company recruit more staff which will increase the productivity of the business. Also the bonuses which is 40% and its 20% higher than the industry average, this shows that the bonuses are keeping the firms employees motivated and it drives them to work harder which mean there will be a increase in productivity and if productivity increases it will have a positive effect on the sales revenue as the company will sell more items which will increase the sales revue and profit. Also another reason why the human resource strategy for Scott electronics is very effective because it has a very unique centralised organisational structure. A centralised structure is where the entire decision making is done from the top of the hierarchy. This is an effective strategy because the entire decision making can be done from the main person who is in charge and it can be done very quickly without going through any difficulties. This is very effective because staff can work through the business objective rather than stressing on the extra responsibility they have on their shoulders which will make them stress free and become more productive. Also they can be told what to do and the managers will have control over their workforce so that employees are less likely to make mistakes or make wrong decisions which will make a negative impact the on the businesses performance. However the human resource strategy for Scott electronics is not that effective because high numbers of employees are on temporary contract which is 75% compared to the industry average which is 25%. This is bad for the business because it will make employees feel that the job security is not there and they are not guaranteed the job which the business can tell the employees that they are not in need and the employees will go away, therefore this might result in the employees not very motivated to do well and they might not think as if they are involved with the business. Also employees on temporary contract are more likely to leave the business as the labour turnover rate is at 10% which is higher than the industry average which is 6%. This is human resource strategy is ineffective because it lead to employees leaving the business every year and the business is losing experienced and valuable staff. Also another reason the human resource strategy for Scott electronics is not that effective because the training budget is below the industry average as Scott electronics training cost is  £500 compared to the industries average which is  £1000. This shows that the staff are not that well trained and most of the staff don’t know what they are doing sometimes or they might not know how the company operates as high level of training was not provided. This lead to the amount of defect products increased as the staffs were not well trained and they kept making mistakes therefore the numbers of defects products increased. This is one of my strongest reasons because staffs need to be well trained before they can start the job as they will know what they are doing and how they are going to carry out each task according the company structures of dealing with things. Therefore the staff need to be well trained and the business needs to increase its amount on training the staff which will allow the business to have staff that know what they are doing and make less mistakes as this will cause the staff to make less defect products. In conclusion I think that the human resources strategy is very effect to the business because average span of control for Scott’s electronic is 5 and industry average is 8. This has a greater advantage to the specific business because it will allow the business mangers to control their staff and monitor the progress which the manager can set targets and the targets can be analysed to see if they have reached the targets this will increase the productivity of the business as targets are reached and mangers have better control over their staff and the business. However I think that the current human resource strategy is not that effective to the business because the firm’s defected products are 10% and the industry average is 5% which is doubled the amount. Therefore you can tell that the strategy is not that effective as the staffs are making a lot of mistakes which will cost the business as the raw materials cost money to buy. Also this indicates that strategy is failing as staff are not well trained or may not experienced enough to work in the field which the bale goes the firms recruitment policy as the firm could have employed experienced staff which could have reduced the level of defected products.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Blades, Inc. Case Study Analysis Paper Essay

Blades, Inc. Case Study Analysis PaperFactors of Foreign Exchange RatesExchange rates are the amount of one country’s currency needed to purchase one unit of another currency and the foreign exchange market is the monetary nexus between countries that makes it possible for global trade to be accomplished more efficiently than barter. The foreign exchange market is where one countries’ currency is exchanged for another because each nation uses its own monetary unit. Therefore, if people in one nation want to acquire goods in another nation, currency must be replaced from one country for the other country to accommodate the business deal. Foreign exchange rates, at the most basic level, are derived from long-term economic fundamentals. These variables weigh and measure the value of one currency to another. Over time, these economic fundamentals and macro-factors will lead to very long-term trends. From the fundamentalist’s perspective, the main factors that affect foreign exchange rates are Interest rates, Trade balance, Inflation, GDP (Gross Domestic Product), and Employment Statistics. See more: how to write an analysis paper Case SummaryBlades, Inc. needed to order supplies two months ahead of the delivery date. The company considered an order from a Japanese supplier that required a payment of 12.5 million yen payable as of the delivery date. Blades had two choices to either purchase two call options contracts (since each option contract represented 6,250,000 yen) or purchase one futures contract (which represented 12.5 million yen). The futures price on yen had historically exhibited a slight discount from the existing spot rate. However, the firm would have liked to use currency options to hedge payables in Japanese yen for transactions two months in advance. Blades would have preferred hedging their yen payable positions because the company was uncomfortable leaving the position open given the historical volatility of the yen. Nevertheless, the firm was willing to remain unhedged if the yen became more stable someday. Ben Holt, Blades’ chief financial officer (CFO), preferred the flexibility that options offer over forward contracts or futures contracts because he  could let the options expire if the yen depreciates. He would have liked to use an exercise price that was about 5% above the existing spot rate to ensure that Blades would have to pay no more than 5% above the existing spot rate for a transaction two months beyond its order date, as long as the option premium was no more than 1.6% of the price it would have to pay per unit when exercising the option. In general, options on the yen have required a premium of about 1.5% of the total transaction amount that would be paid if the option is exercised. For example, recently the yen spot rate was $0.0072, and the firm purchased a call option with an exercise price of $0.00756, which is 5% above the existing spot rate. The premium for this option was $0.0001134, which is 1.5% of the price to be paid per yen if the option is exercised. A recent event caused more uncertainty about the yen’s future value, although it did not affect the spot rate or the forward or futures rate of the yen. Specifically, the yen’s spot rate was still $0.0072, but the option premium for a call option with an exercise price of $0.00756 was now $0.0001512. An alternative call option was available with an expiration date of two months from now and had a premium of $0.0001134 (which is the size of the premium that would have existed for the option desired before the event), but it is for a call option with an exercise price of $.00792. The table below summarized the option and futures information available to Blades:Before EventAfter EventSpot Rate$.0072$.0072$.0072Option Information:Exercise price ($)$.00756$.00756$.00792Exercise price (% above spot)5%5%10%Option premium (% of exercise price)$.0001134$.0001512$.0001134Total premium ($)1.5%2.0%1.5%Amount paid for yen if option is exercised(not including premium)$1,417.50$1,890.00$1,417.50Futures Contract Information:$94,500$94,500$99,000Futures price$.006912$.006912Formulated Answers1. If Blades uses call options to hedge its yen payables, I believe the firm should use the call option with the exercise price of $0.00792 rather than the call option with the exercise price of $0.00756 because the amount paid for yen if option is exercised is $472.50 less than the exercise  price of $0.00756. 2. Blades should allow its yen position to be unhedged because the tradeoff to be hedged is not much different from if it were unhedged. However, if the company is uncomfortable leaving the position open given the historical volatility of the yen, then hedging is the best option. 3. Assuming there were speculators who attempted to capitalize on their expectation of the yen’s movement over the two months between the order and delivery dates by either buying or selling yen futures now and buying or selling yen at the future spot rate, the expectation on the order date of the yen spot rate by the delivery date would be $0.0072, if speculations were correct. 4. If the firm shares the market consensus of the future yen spot rate, its optimal choice, purely on a cost basis should be $0.0072 given this expectation and given that the firm made a decision. 5. The choice I made as to the optimal hedging strategy may not turn out to be the lowest-cost alternative in terms of actual costs incurred because the firm is speculating the risk. The firm is hedging due to being unsure of what the market will do. The perfect hedge would reduce the risk to nothing. This would be the optimal hedging strategy. 6. Assuming that I have determined the historical standard deviation of the yen is about $0.0005. Based on my assessment, I believe the future spot rate is highly unlikely to be more than two standard deviations above the expected spot rate by the delivery date. If the futures price remains at its current level of $0.006912, the optimal hedge for the firm is $0.007326. References Cambridge Mercantile Group (2007). Economic Factors in Forex. Retrieved November 20, 2007,from www.cambridgefx.comMadura, J (2006). International Financial Management (8th ed.). Mason, OH: Thomson. Retrieved November 6, 2007, from University of Phoenix, Resource, FIN403-  Global Finance Website.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Oraibi Split essays

The Oraibi Split essays The split of the Third Mesa pueblo, Oraibi, occurred on September 7, 1906. The split immediately changed the lives of roughly 800 inhabitants of Oraibi who represented nearly half of the Hopi population. Those who left Oraibi were forced to start their lives over in a new location. From a long-term perspective, the split is consequential because it led to the establishment of other villages (e.g., Bacavi, Hotevilla, and Kykotsmovi) of Third Mesa that did not exist before the division (Waters 1977: 113). This eventually resulted in different versions of Hopi history and the Oraibi split from each village. Anthropologists have offered many different explanations of the Oraibi fissioning. These various proposals have caused the interpretation and understanding of the division of Oraibi to be very complex. This essay evaluates explanations of four different anthropologists: Mischa Titiev, Richard Bradfield, Richard Clemmer, and Peter Whiteley. Titiev provides the first explanation to consider. Taking all of Titievs arguments together, he suggests that internal social structure pressures and instabilities led to the disintegration of the Oraibi pueblo (Titiev 1992: 48). Titievs analysis of Oraibi disintegration is based on his view of Hopi social structure and social integration. For Titiev, three features of the traditional social structure of Hopi villages, including Oraibi, were essential. The first feature was the organization of Hopi matrilineal descent groups into households, lineages, clans, and phratries (Titiev 1992:51). In Titievs view, Hopi clans were basically autonomous and corporate, owning land, rituals, and kivas. The second feature was the organization of religious societies and kiva groups. The chief priests of religious sodalities were drawn from the descent group that owned a particular religious ceremony (Page 1994: 47). These ceremonies were controlled by a parti...

Monday, October 21, 2019

16 Sweet Quotes About First Love

16 Sweet Quotes About First Love The first brush of love is a delicious feeling. You feel fresh energy surging in your body, and you become constantly aware of your own appearance, attitude, and behavior. The effect of new love may last for the courtship period, where both partners put their best foot forward. You enjoy the romantic overtures, the subtle body language, and the anticipation of passionate love. You could fall in love many times during the course of a lifetime, but the first rush of love always holds a special place in our hearts. The novelty of the feeling, like the first drops of dew on an untouched leaf, makes it special and unforgettable. These first love quotes develop on the theme of this treasured rush called first love. George Bernard Shaw First love is a little foolish and a lot of curiosity. Branislav Nusic First love is dangerous only when it is also the last. Rosemary Rogers First romance, first love, is something so special to all of us, both emotionally and physically, that it touches our lives and enriches them forever. Benjamin Disraeli The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can never end. Thomas Moore No, theres nothing half so sweet in life as loves young dream. Alfred Lord Tennyson In the spring a livelier iris changes on the burnished dove;In the spring a young mans fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love. Leo Buscaglia Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly, and without expectation... We dont love to be loved; we love to love. Blaise Pascal We conceal it from ourselves in vain: we must always love something. In those matters seemingly removed from love, the feeling is secretly to be found, and man cannot possibly live for a moment without it. Nietzsche Love is the state in which man sees things; most widely different from what they are. William Shakespeare As sweet and musicalAs bright Apollos lute, strung with his hair;And when Love speaks, the voice of all the godsMakes heaven drowsy with the harmony. Lady Murasaki The memories of long love gather like drifting snow, poignant as the mandarin ducks who float side by side in sleep. Leo Buscaglia The heart is the place where we live our passions. It is frail and easily broken, but wonderfully resilient. There is no point in trying to deceive the heart. It depends upon our honesty for its survival. Richard Garnett Sweet are the words of love, sweeter his thoughts:Sweetest of all what love nor says nor thinks. Bayard Taylor The loving are the daring. Francois Mauriac No love, no friendship, can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever. Alexander Smith ï » ¿Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition. Rekindle the Romance in Your Relationship First love is not just for first-time lovers. You can even feel the magic with your spouse. Some  couples  have claimed that every time they stay apart for a while, their reunion is as if they just met on a first date. Some  married couples  renew their  marriage  vows to rekindle the old flame. Have you felt the same way about your partner? If you havent, you need to rekindle the  romance and walk down memory lane. Visit romantic cities like Paris or Rome, and  fall in love  in the presence of the gods of love.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Online Language Courses

Free Online Language Courses Want to learn a new language? The internet has a number of high-quality distance learning language courses. Best of all, many non-credit courses can be taken for free. Arabic Learn to Read Arabic (www.arabicreadingcourse.com) – â€Å"These are a few very basic learn-to-read-the-alphabet lessons.† Babel: Arabic (i-cias.com/babel/arabic/index.htm) – â€Å"From your online computer you will have lessons with sound as well as grammar lessons.† Armenian Armenipedia (www.armeniapedia.org/index.php?titleArmenian_Lessons) - This section has a free Eastern Armenian Lessons Online book, which will enable English speakers to learn Armenian at their own pace.† Chinese Rutgers Multimedia Chinese Teaching System (Chinese.rutgers.edu) – Chinese lessons from the State University of New Jersey. Chinese Tools (www.chinese-tools.com) – 40 online lessons including reading, writing, modern vocabulary, grammar, examples and exercises.† French The French Tutorial (www.frenchtutorial.com) – â€Å"The French Tutorial is a web-based step by step lesson covering basics, pronunciation, but also grammar, vocabulary and everyday French. It offers audio support for better oral comprehension, a table of contents and an index for faster searches.† French Language Course (www.jump-gate.com/languages/french/) – â€Å"The following French course is intended to allow you to understand written French (newspapers, articles, magazines, signs on the road during your next trip in France, etc.) and to write a letter to a French friend or correspondent.† Word Prof (www.wordprof.com) – â€Å"If youve ever been lost for words in a French exam or when traveling in France our interactive* web site will help you learn all the French vocabulary you need.† German German for Travelers (www.learngermanonline.org/german-for-travellers) – â€Å"Dozens of free online resources.† German for Beginners (www.deutschakademie.de/online-deutschkurs/english) – The largest free German online course. Hebrew Foundation Stone (foundationstone.com.au) - â€Å"A free and easy to use Java application for you to learn Hebrew.† Biblia Hebrew (www.bible101.org/hebrew) – â€Å"Found on this site are notes from a graduate Biblical Hebrew Level I class taught by Dr. David Wallace.† Alph-Bet (darkwing.uoregon.edu/~ylcflx/Aleph-Bet) – â€Å"The tutorials on this site are designed to reinforce vocabulary and spelling for beginning students of modern Hebrew.† Learn to Read Hebrew (www.cartoonhebrew.com) – â€Å"Fun methods based on pictures to help you to learn to read Hebrew, like yesterday!† Italian Parliamo italiano! (www.oneworlditaliano.com/english/italian/italian-course-free-online.htm) – Take the free 37 unit Italian course. The Italian Electronic Classroom (www.locuta.com/eclass.html) – â€Å"Aimed at providing free on-line, useful information on difficult aspects of the Italian language to students, teachers, translators, writers.† Japanese Free Japanese Lessons (www.freejapaneselessons.com) – â€Å"The goal of this page is to teach you the basics in a way that is, hopefully, easy to understand.† Learn Japanese (www.learn-japanese.net) – â€Å"Provides the most comprehensive Japanese lessons on the web.† Want more language learning? Take a look at the Peace Corps Language Courses Archive for lessons and audio content designed for international Peace Corps volunteers.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Problem and solution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Problem and solution - Essay Example With the advent of mechanized way of life, man has begun to rely on machines and physical activity has declined significantly. In addition to that, the urge to make money and succeed has increased the time in value manifolds. Man has to rush to keep everything going smooth and there is hardly any time left for such activities as cooking or exercise. In such circumstances, junk food seem the most appropriate option to go for since it provides with taste and luxury and above all saves time otherwise consumed in cooking and dish-washing. Besides, junk food has become a necessary part of a luxurious life-style so people specially youngsters fancy junk food. Not only this, the general life-style of the modern age has increased human interaction with technology. Children used to devote sufficient time to outdoor games that helped build their physique and keep them smart in the past. Nowadays, there is so much to explore in the computer world, that children can not manage to find time for o utdoor activities. Also, importance of the use of computer can not be underestimated since it is essential in order to remain at par with the changing trends of the modern world. People keep sitting in front of a screen net-surfing for hours and hours and ultimately, put on weight. Long story short, modern life-style has minimized physical exertion for many and that is the fundamental reason of the wide-spread obesity among people of all age. All of these factors have specially caused youngsters to put on weight. Obesity is a growing concern particularly among the youth. This is because junk food is the most fundamental cause of obesity and is the most popular among the youngsters. However, obesity can be developed at any age starting from early childhood to old-age. Men and women are equally susceptible to obesity and both genders can be affected by obesity in their own ways. Women are particularly afraid of

Friday, October 18, 2019

DB Q#4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

DB Q#4 - Assignment Example Section 504 contains three alternate prongs based on a three criteria (Zirkel, 2009 P.1, L 3-10). The first prong is for individuals who have; a) a mental or physical impairment that; b) substantially limits; c) a major life activity. The second and third parts are for people who are not currently meeting these three criteria but have a record of or are regarded as meeting the requirements. The office of civil rights (OCR) is the department within the education department that enforces and administers section 504 in K-12 school setting. They are vocal in the interpretation of the second and third prongs in relation to learners. They have also clarified the regarded as and record of points to provide protection against exclusions. OCR has also ensured that students under the first prong are entitled to a free and appropriate education (Zirkel, 2009 P.1, L 11-26). The Americans with Disabilities Act properly covers the deafness disability. It has identified deafness as a condition that substantially limits hearing and also states that hearing is a major life activity. The act has had positive effects on deaf people within public accommodations by ensuring that they are not discriminated against, for example to enter certain premises (Steinberg, 2013 Paragraph 3). The ADA together with ADAAA fails to recognize partial hearing as a disability. Under ADAs definition of disability, the only issue found in people with one deaf ear is that they have difficulty hearing in noisy surroundings. The definition according to ADA means that partial deafness does not substantially limit the person’s abilities, the ruling is evident in the Christine Mengel case (Steinberg, 2013 P.2, Paragraph

Human Resources - Total Rewards and Vision, Mission, and Culture Essay

Human Resources - Total Rewards and Vision, Mission, and Culture - Essay Example th the passage of some more time, we are surely going to witness drastic changes in the manner in which employees would be able to manage their professions, their jobs and indeed their own selves. It is the duty of the organizations to understand the desires and wants of their employees and in return the employees must make sure they give in their best no matter how trying or tough the circumstances are, say at a given point in time. The mission and vision statements of an organization must be properly aligned to discern the exact basis for the rewards and compensation schemes which will be given out to the rightful owners of the same. There must be an endeavor on the organization’s part to keep all of them contented with their respective jobs so as to have maximum output from them at all times. Compensation methods impact in a fruitful manner towards the working domains of the employees as their morale is boosted up significantly and they feel a new vigor to do something afresh and anew within the realms of the organization. The benefit programs help immensely in their motivation levels and provided the much needed energy to turn things around and make impossible situations into possible (and successful) outcomes. It would be in the greater interest of any organization to devise such programs and methods which would raise the bar when it comes to employee morale and the like since this is in direct proportion to how they would affect the business processes, operations and strategies with their renewed confidence, work ethics and a sense of being positive all round. In an office place, there are certain instances when it is best to choose different people for the various jobs that are assigned in the working environment. This holds true for the rationale that a single person cannot and will not be able to do his work as well as the additional burden that is thrust upon him with zeal and enthusiasm. Hence the need of the hour is to understand that employees and

MGT499 - Strategic Management Mod 4 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MGT499 - Strategic Management Mod 4 SLP - Essay Example nd the overall Starbucks experience warrants an analysis of how well the company manages its internal strengths and weaknesses by optimizing its core competencies and developing its weaknesses that will allow it to achieve its company mission and objectives. One of the biggest strengths of the company lies in the dedicated and exceptionally skilled workforce who is well trained. Company strategy has always been to reward excellence of employees and Starbucks is today among the best companies to work for as per Fortune 500 ratings and Financial Times ratings. With attractive fringe benefits, stock option plans and high wages and salary scales, the Starbucks refers to its employees as partners, promoting commitment and loyalty and this is one of the key resources of the company which is hard to imitate due to â€Å"social complexity† involved ( Barney 1991). The company utilizes this strength in many ways. It has used the service staff’s skills in customer care and overall enthusiasm to create an in store atmosphere that is cozy, friendly and home like that they have branded it as the â€Å"third place† in life. The regular customers are called by name and the Baristas of Starbucks outlets remember their usual drinks. Such customization has been at the cornerstone of Starbucks success. Another internal strength is the Starbucks special SWOT team specializing on stores opening. They have an excellent track record of location scouting and opening new outlets in cost effective and speedy fashion. This strength has allowed the company to make right location decisions and the use of in-house design and fabrication teams has allowed Starbucks to cut costs in outlet openings and also maintain the unique Starbucks ambiance in line with company expectations. Optimization of this strength has allowed the company to drive its expansion plans aggressively. Financial strength and low costs is strength. This is achieved through large scale roasting and milling facilities,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Concept of American Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Concept of American Music - Essay Example music traditions, which have also essential effects on American music. In the paper we analyze all the implications of the statement ‘Rock and pop music in the United States is African-American music’ and investigate the issue of American music origin and its present trying to point out whether it is determined mainly by African-American tendencies and whether there are other crucial factors, which affect American music to a considerable extent. American Music Controversy and Diversity It is commonly accepted that African music has made a significant influence on development of overall American pop and rock music beginning with 19th century (Nicholls 123). The most major effects could be easily discovered if consider spirituals, slave songs, jazz, blues, soul, and rock and roll music tendencies. Originally all these integral parts of American music culture were developed by African slaves in the US and only later they became common within all American social and racial s tratums. However, another inseparable part of American music, country music, is supposed to emerge due to both African and European impacts as well as Hawaiian and notably Native American traditions. When searching for arguments that support or disprove that American music is affected significantly by African motives, it is worth to consider American folk music first of all, which brought to life American popular music later (Nicholls 47).Originally, it comprised such styles as gospel and blues, which have undoubtedly strong connections to West African culture and further have been modified and extended due to English, Spanish and French motives (Nicholls 135). Generally, American folk music involves such traditional instruments as drums, shakers, which are included to percussion group of instruments, and flute, all of which have strong associations with African traditions. However, it is also worth to mention that British tendencies had also a significant impact on American folk mu sic development enriching it with such techniques as drone, which is constantly repeating motive through the whole theme, and numerous ballad songs. Moreover, complex rhythms, or polyrhythms, which are associated with American music, are also inherent characteristics of African music and were integrated into the US music traditions by black people (Nicholls 109). At the same time African culture seems not to bother a lot about melody and this tradition American music derived from European counties. Another fact that confirms strong relationship between African and American music concerns the issue of syncopation, which is heavily used in modern American pop music. Syncopation means that common rhythmic accent is moved from strong to weak beat and is an original African invention. Another initially African feature, which is clearly presented in American music, is about call and response technique (Nicholls 47). The method implies that several musicians play their phrases in such way that one of them sounds like a response to other parts. On contrary, there are some important British tendencies, which affected American music and directed its further development. 1960s are associated with British invasion in the US music and presented times when American blues and blues rock musicians were influenced significantly by mainstream music tendencies in Great Britain. The other thing, which clearly confirms strong African

Food Memoir Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Food Memoir - Essay Example My grandmother made sure that all of us were present for dinner together. Today we cherish those moments and value the tradition as we realize that food holds the family together. I have always seen my mother do the shopping and as I grew up I used to accompany her to the malls. I used to be amazed at the way she knew exactly what was required for the kitchen and in what quantities! She took care of the personal food habits of all of us in the family and till date I admire this quality in her. If only a few things were required, she would buy them from the street vendor occasionally. As children, we were expected to go to bed early but we were given the privilege of sitting down together for dinner. Ours was a closely knit family and my parents and grandmother used to have an early meal with us. After we went to bed, they lazed around over coffee and clearing the table. Meals were always sat at the dinner table and never in front of the television. Today when I see the distractions that the television causes, I realize and value the teachings and the discipline during food. We learned to value food, we learned to taste food and we learned to enjoy food. Food eaten while watching a television show is merely â€Å"eaten† and not enjoyed. We enjoyed food and the food time. We were taught the table etiquettes which included saying the prayers before starting the meal. We also waited for our grandmother to start first and then we followed. We were not allowed to talk while munching on food and once I remember, when I was just about three years old, I made a gurgling noise as the soup was too hot! My mom immediately corrected me and said this was indecent. What I liked about my family was that we were never scolded but given reasons for doing or not doing something. That made it easier to remember it the next time and we seldom repeated it. At the end of the meal we again said a thanksgiving prayer. Oh, and we had to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Concept of American Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Concept of American Music - Essay Example music traditions, which have also essential effects on American music. In the paper we analyze all the implications of the statement ‘Rock and pop music in the United States is African-American music’ and investigate the issue of American music origin and its present trying to point out whether it is determined mainly by African-American tendencies and whether there are other crucial factors, which affect American music to a considerable extent. American Music Controversy and Diversity It is commonly accepted that African music has made a significant influence on development of overall American pop and rock music beginning with 19th century (Nicholls 123). The most major effects could be easily discovered if consider spirituals, slave songs, jazz, blues, soul, and rock and roll music tendencies. Originally all these integral parts of American music culture were developed by African slaves in the US and only later they became common within all American social and racial s tratums. However, another inseparable part of American music, country music, is supposed to emerge due to both African and European impacts as well as Hawaiian and notably Native American traditions. When searching for arguments that support or disprove that American music is affected significantly by African motives, it is worth to consider American folk music first of all, which brought to life American popular music later (Nicholls 47).Originally, it comprised such styles as gospel and blues, which have undoubtedly strong connections to West African culture and further have been modified and extended due to English, Spanish and French motives (Nicholls 135). Generally, American folk music involves such traditional instruments as drums, shakers, which are included to percussion group of instruments, and flute, all of which have strong associations with African traditions. However, it is also worth to mention that British tendencies had also a significant impact on American folk mu sic development enriching it with such techniques as drone, which is constantly repeating motive through the whole theme, and numerous ballad songs. Moreover, complex rhythms, or polyrhythms, which are associated with American music, are also inherent characteristics of African music and were integrated into the US music traditions by black people (Nicholls 109). At the same time African culture seems not to bother a lot about melody and this tradition American music derived from European counties. Another fact that confirms strong relationship between African and American music concerns the issue of syncopation, which is heavily used in modern American pop music. Syncopation means that common rhythmic accent is moved from strong to weak beat and is an original African invention. Another initially African feature, which is clearly presented in American music, is about call and response technique (Nicholls 47). The method implies that several musicians play their phrases in such way that one of them sounds like a response to other parts. On contrary, there are some important British tendencies, which affected American music and directed its further development. 1960s are associated with British invasion in the US music and presented times when American blues and blues rock musicians were influenced significantly by mainstream music tendencies in Great Britain. The other thing, which clearly confirms strong African

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Alternative dispute resolution methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Alternative dispute resolution methods - Essay Example The cost of ADR can be very high if caution is not taken to make sure the process handled effectively. Gates insists on the need to manage the process to make sure the cost is kept low, and a resolution is reached quickly. The hospital stands to lose a lot if the patient files a lawsuit. The settlement might be too high, and the public image of the institution will be tarnished. An effective of management of the whole process is necessary to avoid mishaps. The advantage is that the issue has been assessed early. Therefore, the hospital is in a position to effectively manage the process. There is time to analyze all the factors surrounding the dispute and come up with a viable settlement.Negotiation is characterized by independent parties meeting to discuss a solution that benefits both parties having a dispute. According to Gates, the need for effective negotiation skills is among the ten essential elements of an effective resolution process. In most cases, negotiation is overlooked when parties consider using ADR. In the case of General Hospital, negotiation can lead to a resolution, or it can be the start of an effective dispute resolution method. Research has shown that the chances of success are high if the hospital takes an interest-based approach in this case. Negotiation is voluntary, less expensive, and offers an opportunity to regain the trust of the patient who was harmed. On the downside, it might take long to reach a solution because there is no third party neutral in negotiation.

Monday, October 14, 2019

History of Hans Frank

History of Hans Frank Dylan Myers   THESIS STATEMENT In my Holocaust research report for Mr. Benevento and Mrs. Welch, I will discuss Hans Frank; I will focus on his diary, his imprisonment, his background and his purpose of the Holocaust. I will also talk about what happened in his life. Outline Holocaust Intro Quote Why its important to learn about. Thesis Statement. Hans Frank Background Birth Family Life Early Childhood+Education War/ Military Background How he got to his position Role in Nazi Admin Imprisonment Reason Diary Trial/Death Conclusion INTRODUCTION I ask nothing of the Jews except that they should disappear. (Hans Frank) The Holocaust was the murder of six million Jews. Hans Frank was the Governor General of Poland. He was arrested and murdered on October 16, because he killed a lot of Jews. In my Holocaust research report for Mr. Benevento and Mrs. Welch, I will discuss Hans Frank; I will focus on his diary, his imprisonment, his background and his purpose of the Holocaust. I will also talk about what happened in his life. Hans Frank was born on May 23,1900 in Karlsruhe, Germany. Frank was born into a middle-class Catholic family. Frank had an older brother, Karr Jr. and a young sister, named Elizabeth. Franks father was a lawyer so Frank went to Law school to become a lawyer as well. In 1917 Frank, served in the German army in the World War 2. Frank also joined the German Workers Party. On April 2, 1925 Frank married 29 year old Brigitte Herbst. Frank continued to study law and in 1926 he passed the final examinations and became a Legal Advisor for Hitler. Frank had 5 children Sigrid Frank born in 1927. Norman Frank born in 1928, Brigitte Frank born in 1935. Also had 2 other kids named Michael Frank born in 1937, and Niklas Frank born in 1938. While they had Other children their marriage didnt go so well so Frank asked for a divorce in 1942. Brigitte begged and begged for Frank not to divorce her. Frank became the Chief Administration officer for Polish territories. On October 12,1939 Frank became the Governor General of the Polish Territory. In 1939 Frank now became the President of the German Academy Of Law. Frank got his position in the Military because he went to school and studied law and because he had a contribute to the Fuhrestaat. Frank was actually one of Hitlers top lieutenants. Franks role in the Nazi was commissioner and reformer. During World War I Frank joined the German Army. After the war Frank joined the Freikorps. Soon after that Frank joined the Nazi party. After that he became a legal advisor for Hitler and the Nazi Party. Hitler appointed Frank Minister of Justice in Bavaria in 1933, after Hitler became Chancellor. In 1939 Hitler then mad Frank the Governor General of Poland. Hans Frank was arrested by troops on May 3, 1945 at Tegernsee lake in Germany. Hans Frank went to prison because he was responsible for the murder of thousands of Polish Civilians and Jews. While in prision Frank had a diary during his administration role.. The diary has a total of 38 volumes, and included speeches, transcripts of conferences, and minutes of cabinet sessions. Frank was captured by troops on May 3, 1945 at Tegernsee. On his first day in prison Frank tried to commit suicide by trying to cut his throat, but failed to do so. Hand Frank then went to trial on November 20, 1945. He then tried to commit suicide again two days after by lacerating his arm, but this failed as well. Frank was found indicted under four counts. Then Frank was found not guilty on counts one and two but found guilty on counts three and four. Frank admitted to his guilt in the Holocaust. Frank was sentenced to death on October 1, 1946. Frank was executed on October 16, 1946. Hans Frank was the only p erson who entered the gas chamber with a smile on his face. Frank even said im thankful for my treatment during my captivity and I want to ask god to accept me with mercy. This is all about Hans Frank. It talked about his background, his role in the war/ military, and his imprisonment. In his background it first talked about his birth, then his family life, then his Early childhood and education. The second thing it talked about was the War/ Military background. This talked about how he got to his position in the war and his Role in the Nazi Admin. The third thing it talks about is his imprisonment. This talked about the Reason he went to jail, his Diary he wrote, and his trial and death. This is all about Hans Frank. WORKS CITED Hans Frank. Retrieved from http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/nazi-germany/nazi-leaders/hans-frank/ Hans Frank. Retrieved from http://www.holocaustresearchproject.org/ar/frank.html Hans Frank. Retrieved from https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/nuremberg-trial-defendants-hans-frank Hans Frank. Retrieved from http://spartacus-educational.com/GERfrank.htm Journal And Office Records Of Hans Frank, Governor General O. Retrieved from http://nuremberg.law.harvard.edu/documents/3796-journal-and-office-records?q=*#p.1 Nuremberg Trial Judgements: Hans Frank. Retrieved from http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/nuremberg-trial-judgements-hans-frank United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Retrieved from https://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10007108 War And Social Upheaval: World War 2biographies Hans Frank. Retrieved from http://histclo.com/essay/war/ww2/bio/f/bio-frankh.html

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Copernicus Essay -- essays research papers

Copernicus has been named one of the most influential people this millennia by Time Magazine; in part for his movements in though during the scientific revolution; creating a basis for modern astronomy and challenging the Church (of the 15th century) to lead the way to a reform in thinking. He did so by disproving (mathematically) a theory of the heavens that had existed for almost 14 centuries, established by a man named Charles Ptolemy in 250 AD. Copernicus revolutionized astronomy by creating a solid basis for it to stand on, discovering that "The Earth was not the centre of the cosmos, but rather one celestial body among many, as it became subject to mathematical description." He compiled a manuscript of his theories, including the retrogressive behaviour of the planets, cause by the Earth's daily rotation on its axis and yearly revolution around the sun. Much of Copernicus' influence was rooted in the minds of men for years, perhaps because his theories were not fully understood or appreciated until many years after his death in 1543. Finally, Nicolaus Copernicus had a theory published (anonymously) that went against Catholic Church authority, a very bold step for someone in that era. The Church relented, and allowed the circulation of the manuscript.The Ptolemic System, up until the 1510s was the only way of thinking about the solar system as they knew it. The Church firmly believed the Earth was the centre of the universe, and as far as the community in that era was concerned, the Church's way of thinking was the correct way of thinking. For a great many years, the Ptolemic System had ruled the minds of astronomers; the Earth was the centre of the universe, and that Mercury, Venus, our Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Sun all revolved around the Earth. As Copernicus recorded the movements of Mars, he noticed a peculiar pattern in its movements. Every night, its position differed slightly, mostly travelling west, then for a few days east again, then continuing west. He called the phenomenon retrograde motion, and it seemed to explain a rotation of the Earth. During his years as a student in universities (1491-1503), he found the first defects in the Ptolemic System, and after much concentration, he developed a manuscript with his theories of the Heaven in 1514, De revoltionibus orbium coelestium, libri (English Translation: On the Re... ...uestioned in Italy, and many new theories were being constructed. The expansion in thinking gave way for astronomers like Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei who further revolutionized astronomy as we know it today.Nicolaus Copernicus, born Mikolaj Kopernik, of Thorn, Poland accomplished a great many things, some we take for granted. He created an infinite number of possibilities of directions for astronomy to take. He expanded the minds of humans everywhere, and especially those of the Catholic Church. His manuscript De Revolutionibus created quite a stir, and raised a following among the students he lectured infrequently. "Considered the father of modern astronomy, he completely revolutionized science in the 1500s, giving way to others with radical theories to present them, and be accepted, not rejected." By the time of Copernicus' passing, most of Europe was thirsting for more information. What he contributed to astronomy will not be forgotten, and many new ideas sha ll rise because of his radical thinking, making him truly worthy of being 'The father of Modern Astronomy," and being placed on Time Magazine's list of the 100 most influential people of the millenia.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Wystan Hugh Auden Essay -- Biography Biographies Essays

Wystan Hugh Auden Wystan Hugh Auden was born on February 21, 1907, in provincial York, England. Over the next sixty-six years, he became one of the most prolific poets of the twentieth century. He was a versatile poet who felt that poetry was "a game of knowledge." He boarded at Gresham’s School in Norfolk and in 1925 went to Christ Church at Oxford. Although he initially studied biology, he quickly switched to English. From there he embarked on a literary career that covered almost fifty years. Auden’s influences were plentiful: T. S. Eliot, Emily Dickinson, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Robert Frost, and above all Thomas Hardy. Ironically, future generations of poets, including John Ashbery, W.S. Merwin, James Wright, and James Merrill, would look to Auden as a primary influence in their own poetry. The first phase, or "chapter" as Auden would call it, of his literary life covered 1927 to 1932. During this time he emerged from the land of English Romanticism, the Lake District. A pamphlet entitled Poems was printed out in 1928 on a hand press with the help of poet and friend Stephen Spender. After spending a year and a half in Berlin, Germany, Auden returned to England to have his first book published. This book, again entitled Poems (1930), was published by Faber and Faber under the direction of T.S. Eliot. As David Perkins explains in A Modern History of Poetry: Modernism and After, Auden "seemed in the 20’s to be the next step beyond Eliot. The general trend of his writing, regarded as a reaction against Eliot, seemed to be toward accessibility, a more conversational tone, and a freer use of discursive or generalizing language" (151). But the thirties led to a new "chapter" in Auden’s life. By the 1930’s, Auden, alo... ... the Pulitzer Prize. This was followed up with the esteemed Bollingen Prize (1954) and Feltrinelli Prize (1957). Auden continued to write with twenty-one more volumes to come. In 1946 Auden became an American citizen. W. H. Auden deserves his ranking as not only one of the 20th-Century’s greatest poets, but also as one of its most prolific literary authors. Apart from his poetry, Auden wrote reviews, critical articles, and essays ranging from Greek literature and Icelandic sagas to modern poetry and fiction, folklore, children’s literature, psychology, religion, history, biography, light verse, and music. His influence can be compared only to the likes of Eliot, Yeats, and Pound. WORKS CITED Auden, W. H. Collected Poems. New York: Vintage International, 1991. Perkins, David. A History of Modern Poetry: Modernism and After. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1987.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Revenue Recognition Convergence

Holzmann, Oscar J. â€Å"Revenue recognition convergence: The contract-based model. † Journal Of Corporate Accounting & Finance (Wiley) 22, no. 6 (2011): 87-92. The article â€Å"Revenue Recognition Convergence: The Contract-Based Model† is all about revenue recognition. It begins by explaining the conceptual background information to give you an overview of what revenue recognition is both in the US and internationally. Part of this section also discusses what problems have been found with revenue recognition. Because of these problems, the international and US boards have proposed an adoption of the â€Å"contract-based revenue recognition model. This standard would apply to all contacts between companies and their customers, with some exceptions. There are five steps to this revenue recognition model. These steps are discussed individually within the article. The steps are (1) identify the contract, (2) identify the performance obligation(s), (3) determine the trans action price, (4) allocate the transaction price to separate performance obligations, and (5) recognize revenue. After the descriptions of each step, the article goes on to explain onerous performance obligations, contract cost, presentation, and disclosure.Each of these are important topics and will be on the re-exposure of the exposure draft in the coming years. The book for this class begins talking about revenue recognition in chapter five on page 197. The section of the book that more closely relates to this article starts on pages 203 and its called IASB-FASB Revenue Recognition Project. This explains a little about the joint exposure draft from the IASB and FASB. Also, like the article it discusses the five steps in recognizing revenue. These steps are listed in the above paragraph.It explains each of the steps just enough to understand what it is without confusing you. The section finishes by giving a little more information on the exposure draft. I was in the class group th at did our presentation over revenue recognition, so a lot of this information looked very familiar. It is good to see the same information in different reliable sources. Overall I find this article to be very informative and easy to read and understand. If I didn’t do the group project over the same topic, I would have still been able to understand and comprehend the information in the article.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

What Activities and Hobbies Do You Pursue Outside of Work?

Outside of work, I participate in a variety of activities and hobbies. These activities provide me with the opportunity to learn, take on challenges, and have fun. In addition, I believe my hobbies allow for relaxation and inner growth.I enjoy learning new information through reading, surfing the Internet, watching television, and shopping. From the breaking news in Iraq to the latest gift catalog from World Vision, the Internet has become one of my major resources to get updates on the world. My most recent interest is in learning HTML code to enhance my newly created web page on Aloha Tower Marketplace with flash and graphics.Shopping is another activity that I frequently do outside of work. To most people, shopping is a routine and necessary activity that involves going to the supermarket for dinner, buying a new sweater at Macy’s for the upcoming winter, or picking up the latest Harry Potter book in Barnes & Noble for a nephew’s birthday.To me, however, shopping is a pleasurable activity, as well as a chance to observe market trends. To a marketer for a shopping mall, understanding the competition is very important.I also like to watch stage shows or go to the movies on the weekends. My favorite stage show is â€Å"Once Upon One Time,† a musical written in Pidgin by a local playwright, Lisa Matsumoto. It is a fusion of many famous tales of Hawaiian culture and life.From various shows, I have learned to appreciate the incredible art of theater and recognize the efforts in place to protect Hawaiian culture. I prefer stage shows to movie productions because the stage leaves more to the imagination and the audience can interpret the themes.Along with indoor activities, I like to spend time outdoors when my schedule allows. I regularly challenge my fear of heights by hiking to the peaks of mountains to enjoy the fresh air and terrific scenery. Whether choosing a hobby or a job, my goal is always self-improvement, the same as my goals in life .

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

“The Last War” by Katherine Gallagher Essay

Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Tatsuya Shiihara, and today I will be presenting to you my interpretation of the poem â€Å"The Last War†, written by Australian poet, Katherine Gallagher. This poem expresses the feelings of the â€Å"winning† countries before, during and after the Second World War and the anticipation which the end of the war built. Born in 1935, in the town of Maldon, in Victoria; Gallagher went through the 2nd World War as a child, and as a result, experienced many adversities that came with it, such as fear of loved ones not coming home and rationing of food. I believe that this poem is unique in the way that it represents an important point of view on the ending of the 2nd World War, not just because it is Australian, but because it also conveys a form of acceptance and sorrow over the destruction caused by the atomic bombing on Japan. Gallagher uses many techniques, notably metaphors, to represent emotions felt by people, emphasising their despera tion when waiting for news in the line â€Å"Ears keyed to the wireless† and ‘Ghost Towns’, used to aid readers visualise the devastating situation, allowing for them to understand the ravages of the war. The final line, ‘the pit of ash beneath our tongues’, is a distinctive metaphor in that I believe it to not only represent the residue of atomic fires, but also the inescapable legacy that had been passed down, which is indisputably the objectionable usage of the devastating bomb. Symbolism also helps share Gallagher’s perspective on the war. The line â€Å"our teacher joining in† symbolises how even adults celebrated the event by having fun, something which they would not have been able to do for many years. This generates a sense of jubilance, and combined with Gallagher effectively positioning the reader as though they are actually in the situation themselves, World War 2 ended and celebrations everywhere, the reader can understand how joyous people were when the war was finally declared over. With the poem being written in first person, â€Å"we’ve won† and â€Å"The bomb entered our conversation†, Gallagher also uses personificatio n in the lines â€Å"The bomb entered our conversation, a stranger who refused to leave†, to clearly convey that the bomb is unwanted, a symbol of guilt and fear, by making it personal with the reader. Whilst this effectively reflects her personal attitudes towards the war, remorse and acceptance, the reader also starts to question their own attitude towards the war. However, it is the juxtaposition within the layers of the poem that most entices the reader’s attention. The sharp contrast between the cheerful and happy celebrations that the war was over, to the suddenly sombre tone that comes with the realisation of the deaths that were the price of war – combined with the existence of the atomic bomb which spreads fear. It effectively engineers turmoil within the reader. With no rhythm or rhyming scheme within the poem, the poem is a free-verse, following the rhythm of natural speech with no consistent meter patterns. Thus, Gallagher uses precise language and strong phrasing in order to get her point across quickly and concisely, such as the lines â€Å"Japan bombed, gigantic clouds curling, skies burnt scarlet -total destruction . . .† and â€Å"The War over .† This short, sharp rhythm is very effective as it doesn’t let the reader’s mind wander from the point, thereby successfully demanding the reader’s attention at all times. Tatsuya Shiihara English Poetry Year 11 Term 2 Semester 1 2014 1 Poem Annotation The Last War There was only one war, and it was finishing any day soon. Ears keyed to the wireless, we waited. Then the news: Japan bombed, gigantic clouds curling, skies burnt scarlet – total destruction . . . We’ve won, we’ve won, a conga-chant round the schoolground, beating tins, sticks: our teacher joining in – flags, jumbled cries – uncles and cousins coming back. The war over. Hiroshima, Nagasaki – ghost towns now. Over two hundred thousand people ghosts too. We couldn’t imagine it. The bomb entered our conversation, a stranger who refused to leave. Only years on did we become aware of the pit of ash beneath our tongues. Katherine Gallagher Taken From http://www.poetrylibrary.edu.au/poets/gallagher-katherine/the-last-war-0646045 Comment [u1]: Symbolic – represents the anticipation that everyone had waiting to hear the news that the war had ended – therefore the suffering and death as well had ended. Comment [u2]: Symbolic – represents that this Comment [u3]: Short, sharp rhythm – gets straight to the point instead of wandering, doesn’t let reader’s mind wander from the point. Comment [u4]: Symbolic – represents that there was nearly nothing left after the explosion, everything had been decimated. Comment [u5]: Symbolic – represents the jubilance felt by those who were relieved that the war had ended, generating a sense of relief Comment [u6]: Symbolic – represents how even the adults celebrated the event by having a little fun – something they had not been able to do for many years. Comment [u7]: Symbolic- represents how separated families got back together after the war Comment [u8]: Symbolic – represents how the cities were literally empty no, with nothing at all left untouched. Comment [u9]: Symbolic – represents that how many people were lost Comment [u10]: Symbolic – represents how, in the countries that â€Å"won† after the war, as the people there could not feel the direct effects of how the war was ended (atomic bomb), and no-one could imagine it, people celebrated, instead of mourned. Comment [u11]: Juxtaposition – sharp contrast from cheerful and happy that the war was over to suddenly a sombre tone that was full of guilt and sadness. Comment [u12]: First person – generates a point of view of the poet Comment [u13]: Symbolic – represents the guilt that was felt for having to decimate over 200000 people in order to win this war and the fear because of the atomic bomb existing Comment [u14]: Personification – human nature Comment [u15]: Symbolic – represents how, only after the people of the â€Å"winning† countries realised the extent of the †¦ Comment [u16]: Metaphor – represents the never-ending guilt over the destruction caused. Comment [u17]: No rhyming pattern detected Comment [u18]: Structured to be like a story, many symbolic words and phrases. Comment [u19]: * English Poetry Analysis Commentary * Official draft’

The Innovator's Dilemma Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Innovator's Dilemma - Case Study Example ive technologies on incumbent firms, it would be prudent for the organization to balance its product portfolio by having both high-growth and low-growth products. Here, one could look at the 2.5† drive as the low-growth product and the 1.8† as the high-growth product. Also, as Christensen (Para 38) says most incumbents fail because of delay in making the strategic commitment to enter the emerging market. Choosing to offer the 1.8† drive now the organization lessens the likelihood of failing if the 1.8† turns out to be a disruptive technology. Christensen (Para 27) says that established firms are the leading innovators in literally every other sustaining innovations in the drive industrys history. Merely investing in a new technology for fear that it could be a disruptive technology would be a waste of scarce resources. Those resources would be better spent in critically analysing the market. In today’s rapidly changing business environment, the company should not merely focus on their current customers but on their non-consumers as well. The company should find out if there are ways that it could meet the needs of its non-consumers and then invest in developing that market. If developing the 1.8† would enable it to capture this new market, and if the market’s projections imply that it is sustainable then it should invest in the 1.8†. Otherwise, the company should not venture into making the 1.8

Monday, October 7, 2019

Information Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Information Technology - Essay Example A major application of information technology is however in business industry in which it has diversified applications such as visual monitoring of people, and processes in a manufacturing enterprise, and online research for customer relations management. One of the most recent technologies in business applications is the Oracle’s Exadata x3-2 that I wish to discuss in this paper. I explore the technology’s technical description and its business impacts. Exadata x3-2 is one of the recently developed Information Technology applications for managing online transactions. It was developed as an improvement to available data analysis and administration applications, and some of its major characteristics include advanced scope of information processing, and security of databases. Its features identify the technology’s technical description from three perspectives; how it works, what it does, and why it does the tasks (Oracle, 1). The technology works through an integrated system of software and hardware that processes, and communicates data. Like other analytical applications, stores and evaluates data to responds to prompted queries. (Oracle, 1). The technology offers a high-level security, â€Å"high availability, and scalability† of data and offers more opportunities for deriving benefits from Oracle system (Oracle, 1). It also responds to prompted query in its information extraction and processing. The technology’s efficiency also ensures faster response to prompts. It further compresses data and therefore economizes storage space and cost besides facilitating data backup. Lastly, the technology facilitates linkage of databases (Oracle, 1). Exadata x3-2 has been successful because of its features that meet technological demand in the market, and which establishes it among alternative technologies. This has led to its successful launch and

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Economics of Energy and Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Economics of Energy and Environment - Essay Example The remaining amount of fuel had been utilised for energy motives. It has been observed that the consumption of energy in the UK fell to its lowest level in the years2010 and 2011 compared to the year 1984. This decrease in energy has been conceived due to the reduction of 18% in the utilisation of gas. From the year 1970, there has been a change in the consumption of fuel from solid fuels to fuel mix from 46,120 million tonnes to 2,437 million tonnes of oil in the year 2011. The consumption of fuel has been substituted by gas which increased from 14,408 million tonnes to 42,378 million tonnes of oil equivalent from the year 1970 to 2011. The consumption of electricity is also observed to have increased by a considerable extent i.e. by 65% which is equivalent to 27,334 million tonnes of oil (Crown, â€Å"Energy Consumption in the United Kingdom: 2012†). The industrial sector is responsible for consuming around 40% of energy which amounted to around 62,333 thousand tonnes of oi l equivalent. On the other hand, the domestic sector and transport are perceived to be utilising nearly 24% and 18% respectively. Other users including public administration, agriculture and commerce are observed to be using 12% of energy. Furthermore, 7% of the energy was consumed for non-energy motives (Crown, â€Å"Energy Consumption in the United Kingdom: 2012†). Domestic Energy Consumption From The Year 1970 To 2011 Source: [1] (Crown, â€Å"Energy Consumption in the United Kingdom: 2012†) In the year 1990, it has been perceived that the industrial sector consumed around 24% of energy which signifies that there was fall in energy consumption in the industrial sector as compared to the period of 1970.... This essay stresses that the households are also required to adopt innovative and certified household electrical appliances and products with the intention of better utilisation of energy. Moreover, households are required to adopt latest products which are energy efficient with the motive of ascertaining that energy is consumed at a minimum level. The households are required to acquire technologies which emit carbon in a minimised manner. Furthermore, these innovative and low carbon emitting technologies will facilitate households with better power as well as money saving opportunities. The increased price of energy will initiate households to acquire more innovative technologies for producing renewable sources of energy. This paper makes a conclusion that it can be comprehended that the prices of energy is likely to increase for households, as the current market prices only pay for returns to existing energy production. By raising the regulation and costs of existing energy production, and providing grants and subsidies to encourage the adoption of new technology, the government is rebalancing the costs of energy consumption more in favour of low carbon technologies. In the long run, combined with technological developments making such technologies more affordable, and regulations requiring that they are used, there will be a shift toother non-renewable sources of energy in order to improve energy efficiency, preserve energy for future consumption, as well as reducing carbon emission.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis of House of Blue Leaves Essay

Rhetorical Analysis of House of Blue Leaves - Essay Example Guare a chance to associate hope of a better life to Vatican and Hollywood. At the time, there was war at Vietnam and America was in the verge of losing thus forcing everybody to look for a way out. As such, in the play, all the characters who are middle or working –class in this black comedy, sought refuge in celebrity life from their humdrum lives. This mix of black comedy with social commentary and real drama faced many critics who thought that the play fails to address serious issues due to its comedic nature (Shapiro 1966). Nevertheless, it enjoyed equal support and indeed went ahead to record 337 performances and won several awards including the Best American Play in the New York Drama critics Circle Award. This paper will address an arguable claim related to the play. The clam is that, â€Å"isolation or a feeling of not belonging forms the foundation of the play, The House of Blue Leaves. All characters in the play seek to move from their status to a presumably better position.† The main character is a middle-class married zookeeper, acting as Artie. Artie is not comfortable with his zookeeping job and he has a conviction to achieve better things. As such, he does the zookeeping job during the day and attends amateur night to play his original songs despite being the oldest person in the amateur. He is destined to make a for wand move though some circumstances limit his quest. Indeed, we can sense his dissatisfaction and sense of not belonging where the play opens with him on the stage of the El Dorado Bar & Grill playing the piano as he sings his songs. However, his frustration manifests when he cannot get a spotlight and the audience ignores his singing. Nevertheless, he continues to sing and when he finishes with no applause from the audience, he quits a disappointed man with an urge to become a better songwriter. He claims his aspirations are old enough despite his middle age and thus his urge to achieve this bothers him so much. His p ursuit to become a songwriter is seemingly absurd as he even plans to abandon his schizophrenic wife, Bananas, and their unstable soldier son for the sake of realizing his dreams. Actually, he desperately seeks to escape to Hollywood with his mistress, Bunny Flingus who stays just downstairs. Most unfortunately is the fact that despite his absurd ambitions, most of his songs are terrible. Indeed, everybody can sense that he has no talent and his dreams may be in vain. Nevertheless, he is prepared to do anything to become a songwriter who will win Oscar awards. As seen herein, the main character is in a world that he does not enjoy a feeling of belonging. Indeed, despite his age, middle –class status, family commitments, and a schizophrenic wife, Artie is still convinced that he can become celebrated songwriter and thus puts a lot of effort to it (Shapiro 1966). In fact, despite his current songs being terrible and the audience showing no interest in them, he aims to be at the top. However, his dreams draw some absurdity where he even plans to abandon his needy family to pursue his ambitions in Hollywood. Again, Artie is not comfortable with his schizophrenic wife and therefore does not have a feeling of belonging to her hence looking for a mistress just downstairs. Another character who is seemingly not enjoying his status is Bunny Flingus, the downstairs neighbor of Artie. Indeed,